So between everything that Kid does during the day, he managed to answer the questions that I had sent him. So I decided to share them with you guys. I tried to pick his brains as to know what does he think of various things.
1. Have you been there, done that & got the actual T-shirt?
I got loads of T-Shirts... Love them and you could say I have been there and done some of it :)
2. Do you produce music of your own? Unfortunately not, as I don’t have enough time at the moment. Maybe in the future.
3. What guides your musical path/set?"
Depends on my mood, but I am a big fan of interesting music of many genres. If I feel it I usually incorporate it into a set.
4. Do you think the lounge music industry has a big following in SA; if so why? Not really, I am not too proud of being under the ‘lounge umbrella’ as it brings images of cocktails and rich people which is completely the opposite of what I do and like. But I have been blessed to release albums of quality beats and will continue to do so under any name or pigeon hole... If its got soul, people will listen.
5. Who comes 1st? You/ crowd/people/ the corporate?
Me then the crowd depends on the gig. I can play a number of different sounds, as long as I like it and own it I will play it.
6. What was it like playing at the TSJS?
LOVE IT!!!! Really open minded folk. I really feel like I can be my musical self and explore different sounds with the crowd.
7. Who is your favorite all time performances / DJ’s you’ve worked with.
Has to be Gilles Peterson at Carfax. What a night!
8. Any chances of playing at the worldwide festival soon?
We can only dream.
So after all that, Kid gave me something that I want to share with you... Hope that you will enjoy it.

Click on the link below:
Album art cover, designed by Mpumelelo Macu ©.
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